Korean Dialogue
"Thank you for the meal" in Korean 잘 먹었습니다
2021. 1. 20. 00:21
Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 잘 먹었습니다'.
When you go to restaurants with Koreans, you can say this sentence after eating.
Let's study together.
Today's Dialogue
A : 잘 먹었습니다.
Thank you for the meal.
B: 오늘 저녁 어땠어?
How was today's dinner?
A : 너무 맛있었어. 다음에 또 오자.
It was so delicious. Let's come again later.
B : 좋아. 언제든지.
Great. Anytime.
Useful expression
잘 먹었습니다.
Thank you for the meal.
잘 well
먹다 eat
먹었다 ate
습니다 (formal expression)
잘 먹었어(informal)
잘 먹었습니다(formal)
-Thank you for the meal.
잘 먹었어?(Question)
-Did you wat well?
If you want to listen this dialogue with korean voice, please visit my instagram.