Korean Study Video

Chapter 8. Your family and Friends

yeoni_korean 2021. 11. 12. 03:04

Hi guys, 

Today we will study about family and friends.

And how to say what your family and friends are like.


1. Family and Friends

할아버지 Grandfather - 할머니 Grandmother 

아버지(아빠) Father - 어머니(엄마) Mother
언니 Older sister (female speaking to older female) 

누나 Older sister (male speaking to older female) 

오빠 Older brother (female speaking to older male)

 Older brother (male speaking to older male) 

여동생 Younger sister - 남동생 Younger brother


**We can also use it to friends not only blood-related siblings.


친구 Friend
여자친구 Girlfriend 남자친구 Boyfriend

There is a PDF that you can practice the Korean language we learnt today.


Your family.pdf

I hope you enjoy it. 

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Thank you see you soon. 또 봐요💛