Korean Study Video
Chapter 8. Your family and Friends
2021. 11. 12. 03:04
Hi guys,
Today we will study about family and friends.
And how to say what your family and friends are like.
1. Family and Friends
할아버지 Grandfather - 할머니 Grandmother
아버지(아빠) Father - 어머니(엄마) Mother
언니 Older sister (female speaking to older female)
누나 Older sister (male speaking to older female)
오빠 Older brother (female speaking to older male)
형 Older brother (male speaking to older male)
여동생 Younger sister - 남동생 Younger brother
**We can also use it to friends not only blood-related siblings.
친구 Friend
여자친구 Girlfriend 남자친구 Boyfriend
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