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Korean Study Video

Chapter 1. Meeting 만남

Hi guys, 

There is a PDF that you can practice Korean language we learnt today.


1. 안녕하세요 Hello

안녕하세요 Hello (Formal)
안녕 Hello, Hi (Casual)
좋은 아침입니다 (F) / 좋은 아침 (C) Good morning

** We don’t use good afternoon, good evening.

** you can say hello with name or job position. 

예시) 안녕하세요 선생님 (F) Hello Teacher
안녕 슬기 (C) Hi Seulgi


2. 잘 가 Good bye

안녕히 가세요 (F) Good bye (When you’re staying) 

안녕히 계세요 (F) Good bye (When you’re leaving) 

잘 가요 (F) / 잘 가 (C) Good bye
다음에 봐요 (F) / 다음에 봐 (C) See you later

또 봐요 (F) / 또 봐 (C) Seeyouagain


만남 Meeting.pdf



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Thank you see you soon. 또 봐요💛