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Korean Vocabulary

Place Vocabulary 1 Hello guys. Where is your favorite place? Let's check out below in Korean. Place 장소 집 House 학교 School 병원 Hospital 회사 Company Place 장소 놀이공원 Amusement Park 버스정류장 Bus Stop 은행 Bank 기차역 Train Station If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zyAtdhy2K/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 더보기
Beauty Vocabulary 1 Hello guys. What is in your dressing table? Let's check out below in Korean. Beauty 미용 향수 Perfume 귀걸이 Earring 머리핀 Barrette 잡지 Magazine 립스틱 Libstick 선글라스 Sunglasses Beauty 미용 화분 Flowerpot 고데기 Curling iron 드라이기 Hair dryer 집게핀 Hair claw 머리빗 Hair comb Hairstyle 헤어스타일 긴머리 Long hair 단발머리 Bob hair 파마머리 Perm 포니테일 Ponytail If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. ht.. 더보기
Korean Slang Words For Lovely Person 1. 엄친아[umchina] 엄친아 is short for 엄마친구아들(Son of my mom's friend) like golden boy. Meaning: He is good at everything. Like he has much money, high salary job,high educated and is also vey handsome. 엄친딸[umchinttal] 엄마친구딸(Daughter of my mom's friend) 2. 심쿵[simkung] 심쿵 is mixture of heart(심장) + the beating sound from your heart(쿵) Meaning : Someone who is attractive or so cute, they can cause a heart.. 더보기
Home Vocabulary 1 Hello guys. What is in your living room? Let's check out below in Korean. Living room 거실 벽난로 Fireplace 화초 Plant 커튼 Curtain 기타 Guitar 쿠션 Cushion Cozy Place 아늑한 장소 벚꽃 Cherry blossom 머그잔 Mug 책 Book 담요 Blanket If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-iW8IJBdzW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 더보기
Street Vocabulary 1 Hello guys, Today's vocabulary is Street. Let's check out below in Korean. Street 거리 타워 Tower 표지판 Sign 택시 Taxi 건물 Building 나무 Tree 자동차 Car Street 거리 벽 Wall 여자 Woman 남자 Man 인도/보도 Sidewalk 개 Dog If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-UXvyh6YH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 더보기
What is in your bag or table? Vocabulary Hello guys. What is in your bag or table? Let's check out below in Korean. Desk 책상 노트북 Laptop 꽃 Flower 스탠드 Desk lamp 핸드폰 Cell phone 공책 Notebook 안경 Glasses Table 식탁 오렌지주스 Orange Juice 블루베리 Blueberry 팬케이크 Pancake 꿀 Honey 포크 Fork 나이프 Knife Bath room 욕실 샤워기 Shower head 욕조 Bath 세면대 Washstand 거울 Mirror 변기 Toilet If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. https://ww.. 더보기
Food Vocabulary 1 Hello guys. Today's vocabulary is Food. Let's check out below in Korean. Food 음식 아보카도 Avocado 계란 Egg 버섯 Mushroom 고추 Pepper 파 Spring onion Fruit 과일 석류 Pomegrante 감 Persimmon 수박 Watermelon 무화과 Fig Vegetable 야채 감자 Potato 호박 Pumpkin 콩 Bean 가지 Eggplant Vegetable 야채 당근 Carrot 양파 Onion 오이 Cucumber 브로콜리 Broccoli If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. https://www... 더보기
Animal Vocabulary 1 Hello guys. What is in your bedroom / living room / bath room? Let's check out below in Korean. Animal 동물 여우 fox 호랑이 tiger 다람쥐 squirrel 너구리 Raccoon Aquatic animal 바다동물 돌고래 Dolphin 바다거북 Turtle 고래 Whale 상어 Shark If you want to listen this dialog with korean voice, please visit my instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_q0FfSBMw_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 더보기