분류 전체보기 썸네일형 리스트형 Korean Traditional Culture 1 (한복, 한국 나이, 온돌, 돌잡이) 1. Hanbok 한복 한복[Hanbok] is the traditional Korean dress. In the past, Koreans wore Janbok everyday. but now, we mainly wear it during special days like traditional holidays (e.g., Korean New Year) or wedding days. 2. Korean age 한국 나이 Under the Korean age system, you are already 1 year old when you are born because Koreans also take into account the time you spent in your mother's womb. So you al.. 더보기 "I'd like to order" in Korean 주문할게요 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 주문할게요'. When you go to restaurants in Korea, you can start order like that. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 여기요. 주문할게요 Excuse me, I'd like to order. B: 네 뭐 드릴까요? Yes, What do you want to drink? A : 카페라떼 한 잔 주세요. A cup of cafe latte, please. B : 네 4,500원 입니다. 감사합니다. It is 4,500 won. Thank you. Useful expression : When you call someone 야.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 다음