분류 전체보기 썸네일형 리스트형 Chapter 15. Health and Illness Today we will study how to say you're ill and explain what's wrong and then ask for medicine. How do you say ' I want to go to the doctor's office.' in Korean? 1. Tell someone you’re ill. 아파요. I am ill. 병원에 가야 돼요. I should go to the doctor’s. 병원 Hospital 약국 Pharmacy *Body part + subject maker 아파요. 예시 Example : 머리가 아파요. I have a headache. 배가 아파요. I have a stomachache. 팔이 아파요. My arm hurts. 2. L.. 더보기 Chapter 14. The body 몸 Today we will study our body parts in Korean. 1. The body 몸 머리 the head 목 the neck/throat 배 the stomach 등 the back 팔 the arm 손 the hand 손가락 the finger 다리 the leg 무릎 the knee 발 the foot 2. The head 머리 머리카락 hair 눈 the eye 코 the nose 입 the mouth 귀 the ear 치아 the tooth There is a PDF that you can practice the Korean language we learnt today. I hope you enjoy it. If so, please subscribe to my channel.. 더보기 Korean Conjugation: Present Tense Hi guys, Today I will teach you how to use the present tense. Check out this video if you are struggling to make Korean sentences. 더보기 Chapter 13. Chores 집안일 Today we will study about chores. 1. Chores 집안일 정리정돈을 해요. I tidy my room. 방을 청소해요. I clean my room. 청소기를 돌려요. I do the vacuum cleaning. 세탁기를 돌려요. I do the laundry. 설거지를 해요. I wash the dishes. 장을 봐요. I do the grocery shopping. 집안일을 해요. I do housework. 아침/점심/저녁을 준비해요. I prepare a breakfast/lunch/dinner. 침구를 정리해요. I make my bed. 아무것도 하지 않아요. I don’t do anything. There is a PDF that you can practice.. 더보기 Chapter 12. Daily routines 일상생활 Today we will study how to say what you do and when you do it in your daily life. 1. Daily routines Say what you do 일어나요. I wake up. 옷을 입어요. I get dressed. 세수를 해요. I wash my face. 양치를 해요. / 이를 닦아요. I brush my teeth. 아침/점심/저녁을 먹어요. I have breakfast/lunch/dinner. 밥을 먹어요. I eat a meal. 학교에 가요. I go to school. 회사에 가요. I go to company. 집에 가요. I go home. 숙제를 해요. I do homework. 텔레비전/유튜브/넷플릭스을/를 봐요. I.. 더보기 Chapter. 11 Pets and Animals 동물 Hi guys, Today you are going to study Pets and Animals in Korean. Do you have any pets? Let's check out some vocabulary and expressions. There is a PDF that you can practice the Korean language we learnt today. I hope you enjoy it. If so, please subscribe to my channel and comment, like, and/or share with your friends. Thank you see you soon. 또 봐요💛 더보기 Chapter 10. Where you live Today you are going to study how to say where you live. There is a PDF that you can practice the Korean language we learnt today. I hope you enjoy it. If so, please subscribe to my channel and comment, like, and/or share with your friends. Thank you see you soon. 또 봐요💛 더보기 Chapter 9. Your home 집 Hi guys, Today we are going to study about your home :) 1. Talk about the rooms in your house. 방 Room 침실 Bedroom 거실 Living room 주방/부엌 Kitchen 화장실/욕실 Bathroom 서재 Study 정원 Garden 테라스 Terrace There is a PDF that you can practice the Korean language we learnt today. I hope you enjoy it. If so, please subscribe to my channel and comment, like, and/or share with your friends. Thank you see you soon. 또.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 14 다음