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"Did you ask her out?" in Korean 고백했어? Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is '고백했어?' Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 나 좋아하는 사람이 생겼어 I'm interested in someone. B: 대박이다. 고백했어? Wow. Did you ask her out? A : 음...나 너 좋아해. 나랑 사귈래? Um... I like you. Will you go out with me? B : 지연님이 대화방을 나가셨습니다. Jiyeon has left the chat. Useful expression : 고백하다 Ask her/him out 그녀에게 고백했어 (Informal) I did ask her out. 그에게 고백했어요. (Formal).. 더보기
"It's cold" in Korean 추워 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 추워'. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 너무 추워. It's so cold. B: 따뜻하게 입고 다녀 좀. Dress warm. A : 난 겨울이 너무 힘들어. 여름이 차라리 낫지. Winter is so hard for me. Summer is better. B : 난 여름이 너무 힘든데. 벗어도 덥잖아. Summer is harder for me. It's hot even if I take clothes off. Useful expression : It's cold. 추워 쌀쌀하다 It is chilly. 얼어 죽겠어 I am freezing to death. 나는 .. 더보기
"It's hot" in Korean 더워 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is '더워'. Do you know the meaning of 더워? Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 너무 더워 It's so hot. B: 오늘 기온이 36도야. Today's temperature is 36 degree. A : 창문을 열어도 더운 바람이 들어와. Even if I open the door, hot wind comes in. B : 여름이잖아. 여름은 원래 더운거야. It's summer, summer is always hot. Useful expression : 더워 더워 죽겠어. I'm dying of the heat. 요즘 날씨가 더워. The weath.. 더보기
"Don't forget" in Korean 잊지마 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 잊지 마'. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 나 지금 막 나가려던 중이야. I am about to go out. B: 문 잠그는 거 잊지 마. Don't forget to lock the door. A : 내가 애기야? 걱정하지 마. Am I a baby? Don't worry. B : 너 저번에도 문 열고 나갔었잖아. You opened the door last time. Useful expression : Don't forget 잊지 마세요 - formal 우산 잊지 마세요. Don't forget your umbrella. 잊지 마십시오 - More formal 이.. 더보기
"Don't lie to me" in Korean 거짓말 하지마 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 거짓말 하지마'. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 어제 피곤해서 일찍 잤어. I went to bed early yesterday because I was tired. B: 거짓말 하지마. 내 친구가 어제 클럽에서 너 봤대. Don't lie to me. My friend saw you at the club yesterday. A : 나 못믿어? You don't believe me? B : 평소에 믿음을 줬어야지. You should have given me faith. Useful expression 나에게 거짓말 하지마 Don't lie to me For exampl.. 더보기
"I am thirsty" in Korean 목 말라 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 너무 목 말라'. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 나 너무 목말라. 물 좀 마실 수 있을까? I am so thirsty. Can I drink some water? B: 당연하지. 물? 음료수 줄까? Of course, water? Do you want drink? A : 물만 먹어도 행복할 것 같아. I am good with water. B : 가져다 줄게. 잠깐만~ I will bring it to you. Wait a moment. Useful expression 목 말라 I am thirsty. 목 neck 마르다 dry, be thirsty 목 말라(infor.. 더보기
"Thank you for the meal" in Korean 잘 먹었습니다 Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 잘 먹었습니다'. When you go to restaurants with Koreans, you can say this sentence after eating. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 잘 먹었습니다. Thank you for the meal. B: 오늘 저녁 어땠어? How was today's dinner? A : 너무 맛있었어. 다음에 또 오자. It was so delicious. Let's come again later. B : 좋아. 언제든지. Great. Anytime. Useful expression 잘 먹었습니다. Thank you for the .. 더보기
"Do you need help?" in Korean 내가 도와 줄까? Hello guys. Today's Korean useful expression is ' 내가 도와 줄까?'. Let's study together. Today's Dialogue A : 그 책들 무거워 보인다. The books look heavy. B: 도서관까지 들고 가야 돼. I have to bring these books to the library. A : 내가 도와 줄까? 이리줘. Do you need help? Give me that. B : 고마워. 니가 최고야. Thanks. You are the best. Useful expression 내가 도와 줄까? Do you need help? - 해줄까? Do you want me to do something? 내가 들어 줄까? Do you.. 더보기